Heeee… have a gud day everyone…
Owhh yaa… act.. I’m juzz a bit “heran”.. bla dpkir2 blik…
urmmm.. I’m always talking about incikk<3 bukan??
But nobody noe.. who’s him…
tall or short, small or big or wutevalarhh.. heee…
n today.. sempena incikk<3 pnya bufday…
Desember 5… I wanna wish u a happy bufday…
May Allah bless u… hopefully… kta akn kekal slamanya, bhagia dunia akhirat….. insyaallah..
I want u to always be happy… keep smiling on ur face ukeyh incikk..=)
N incikk, I think wanna introduces u to my blog.. sbb sy rsa…
Blog nihh pon x tao incikk nihh spa.. hee… so.. here we go…
Mohamad Azim b Zulkafly a.k.a incikk<3
Well… let’s check it out his pitcha a bit more… heee…=D
act... he love wearing blue.. hak3...
owhh yaa… n this’s his passion… hohoo.. I’m telling u.. he’s really love “silat” damn much..
But still jgk maen… aiseyhhh.. incikk2.. hahaa.. but I noe.. u love it..=)
Ukeyh.. he’s act a UITM arau’s student..
But since dpt calling from SPA… as MA…
I noe… susa sngt incikk nk tngalkn arau rite?? But sokeyhh..
Suma org will support u.. wuteva u do..=)
N one thing… sy sngt adore dgn bkt incikk…
Bkat nihh larhh yg buat sy sngt2 jlezz… *sbb sy x pndai.. heee..
Huhuu.. see?? He’s really gud in drawing khat… errr… jlezz2.. heeee..
Apa2pon.. doa sy.. smoga kta sbr dgn suma dugaan, n smoga kta bhagia dnia akhirat.. insyaallah..
“ya Allah.. jika dia benar untukku.. tetapkanlah hatinya dengan hatiku… jika dia bukan milikku… damaikanlah hatiku dengan ketentuanmu..” *(in-team’s song)
that's all.. srba sdikit about incikk<3...^_^
N incikk.. do promise me.. always smile k..=)
Taken on-->my bufday.. <3 u..=’)